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11 Divine Feminine Energy Quotes + Affirmations

feminine energy quotes

What better way than learning how to work with your divine energy through amazing inspirational feminine energy quotes?


Catching yourself begin more intrigued in enhancing your aura by learning more about your feminine energy.

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What we will cover:

  1. Divine feminine energy meaning
  2. How to radiate divine feminine energy
  3. How feminine energy will help you?
  4. Divine feminine energy quotes + affirmations
  5. What are signs of feminine energy?
  6. Feminine Energy Book

1. Feminine energy meaning

Divine feminine stems from being deeply attuned to nature, earth, and the wild, unafraid of the void, the emptiness, and begin benevolent to the goddess energy. It is the energy that is loving, nurturing, and balanced, yet also fierce.

This spiritual concept of feminine energy whether you are in your divine masculine, or working on your divine feminine brings healing, creativity, and openness to community cultivation. 

2. How to radiate feminine energy

Here are a few ways you can radiate divine feminine energy:

  • Take a deep breath, in and out, do this about 4 – 5 times
  • Close your eyes and use positive affirmations to invite positivity in
  • Be kind to yourself and others
  • Go out in nature, walk, run, or layout
  • Embrace your creativity, dance, sing, write, draw
  • Take care of your health and appearance
  • Eat a balanced diet (we are the food we eat)
  • Pay attention to how you nurture yourself and your relationships
  • Envision yourself in a space of peace and love with meditation
  • Surround yourself with like-minded feminine energies
  • Get your rest
  • Set boundaries

3. How feminine energy will help you

Working on your feminine energy will help you become more in tune with yourself as well as others.

It will create a balance in your life and when set with the proper boundaries and morals you will feel a sense of going with the flow becoming more easier

Who is this good for?

Technically everyone, yes men as well. If you get easily angered, irritable, and envious of others, then you may benefit from how elevating or working on your feminine energy can transform your life.

It will help you in your relationship with others. You will be able to intuitively use your intuitions for good, sex will be better, and so much more.

4. 11 Feminine Energy Quotes + Affirmations

Here are a few feminine energy quotes to motivate you:

1. “In your hardest moments in life, just keep living until you are alive again”

2. “The true nature of the feminine is: undefinable”

3. “Obstacles are simply strategically placed hurdles meant to remind us of our inner strength and hidden needs”

4. “I protect myself from absorbing the problems of the world because it drains me of my life forces”

5. “If you want her light, be prepared for her darkness”

6. “If you come close to her, or want her it is spiritually mandatory for you to be willing to enter the fire of her inner transformation”

7. “Sis, instead of us tearing each other down in harsh comparison Let’s open up to each others’ higher nature & become totems of love for each other”

8. “A fundamental step in female emancipation and empowerment is to tear down the walls of separation and perceived threat between women”

9. “Women joined as one in confidence and love is a force of global solidarity”

10. “Our strength lies in our capacity to be tough and soft, kind and outspoken, intelligent and nurturing – dualities of high expectations, but women have a unique ability to deliver them” – Cynthia Young

11. “What you are searching for you may never find. It is something we may truly never know. What I do know is, I will volunteer my life to take me into the wonders of the unknown” – Miguelina Arias

Here are some affirmations:

1. I am a beautiful soul of the world.

2. I trust in the infinite flow of life

3. I embrace the light and radiance

4. I act with unconditional love and compassion

5. I am healing through forgiveness & acceptance

6. I access the wisdom of the open heart

7. I embody grace

8. I cultivate peace

6. What are signs of feminine energy

There are many ways to experience your feminine energy which are not specifically defined. How you define your feminine energy will vary.

For some people, it’s the way you interact with people and the world around you, for others it may be the love and care you show yourself.

There are a few signs for whether you are growing into your feminity or just curious about what to look out for:

1. A more nurturing, caring, and empathic you.

2. Creating oneness with nature.

3. You are sensual.

4. Continuously asking questions about the world around you.

5. Seeking happiness and peace outside of the physical world.

6. Connecting with your intuition.

7. You allow yourself to go with the flow.

8. Yearning to heal trauma, especially childhood trauma.

9. You are in tune with your physical and emotional health.

10. Curiosity about life after death.

7. Feminine Energy Book

If you were a fan of the quotes above then one of our recommended books, You Are a Goddess, is a must to add to your list.

You Are a Goddess: Working with the Sacred Feminine to Awaken, Heal and Transform by Sophie Bashford is an empowering guide to bring you your awareness to the truths and consciousness.

It is highly engaging which will help you to:

  • Understand your emotions and patterns in your life through a different perspective
  • Viewing your world through feminine energy
  • Uncovering your healing gifts through spiritual growth

Final Thought on Feminine Energy Quotes

The feminine energy journey is one that begins within ourselves.

As we grow and balance our feminine energy, we feel truly connected to ourselves, to people, to our beliefs, and to every aspect of our lives.

Our relationships become more meaningful and authentic.

Our sex life improves as we become more attuned to our bodies.

And we gift ourselves the joy of experiencing life with more intention, presence, and vibrancy than ever before.

So if you’d love our feminine energy quotes or like to learn more about how to integrate your divine feminine energy in specific aspects of your life, such as sexuality, explore our blog and sign up for our newsletter for much more!

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