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51 Simple Journaling Prompts for Self Love

journaling prompts for self love

Are you not feeling confident or not as proud of yourself as you can be? If so, we will be going over 51 journaling prompts for self love to get you to a place of peace, happiness, and loving yourself like nobody’s business.  

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Many people go through their emotional roller coaster leaving them feeling drained and tired.

Taking time for yourself is needed to get you to a place of appreciating the person you are. Studies have shown that writing about your feelings and emotions is a great way to relieve stress and anxious thoughts. 

It will also help you get to know yourself a bit better. Journaling is a great way to discover your strengths and weaknesses. 


What Does Self Love Mean to You

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Why Journal for Self Love

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

How Often to Journal for Self Love

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A Personal Note on Self Love

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. 

Now let’s get onto these journal prompts for self-love…

51 Simple Journaling Prompts for Self Love

1. When was the last time you took time for yourself by yourself? 

Write down any activities or experiences you done recently on your own with noone else around. 

2. How many times a week do you take time for your skin care routine? 

Your skin is an important part of you, how are you treating it? 

3. Do you tell yourself that you are doing a good job recently? 

The hardest people we are hard on is ourselves. Treat yourself like you would treat other people. Be kind to you and give yourself some credit. 

4. Write 3 things today that you are grateful for.

We allow ourselves to become so preoccupied in our thoughts we forget to be present and take time to enjoy what is around us and what we have accomplished. Write down what you are grateful for and post it on your wall or mirror. 

5. List 3 of your fears and the reasons why? 

Most of the time fear is what gets in the way. But at times it is not the fear but the attention we give it. Allow yourself to rationalize your fear and give the power back to you. 

6. Recall 3 positive things that has happen to you the past few days and be detailed.

Remembering the positive things throughout the day will help improve your mood. 

7. When was the last time I felt okay in solitude? 

You will find peace, tranquility, and things about yourself that you have never known before. You remove the distractions so that it is just you an your thoughts. 

8. What are some thoughts going on in your mind at this moment?

Begin aware of your thoughts throughout the day will help you become more aware of your feelings. If they are not good thought what can you do right now to change them. 

9. What does happy mean to you? 

How do you envision your life to be now and as you age. 

10. What does love mean to you? 

Do you have an idea of what love is, do you know how love acts? It’s time to get close with what love means to you and define it. 

11. How do you show love to others? 

Do you catch yourself begin frustrated and angry with others easily? Is is hard for you to show these emotions? 

12. How do you show love to yourself? 

Do you take time off for yourself? If so what do you do. Are you wasting time or doing something productive?

13. List three things that make you feel at peace.

These three things will be your focus when you feel out of place, frustrated, or upset. 

14. How have you handled traumatic moments in the past?

This will allow you to see if any changes need to be made for your growth. 

15. Write 5 goals you would like to accomplish in the next 5 years? 

When you write things down you give it a purpose. Write them down and allow yourself to envision them already here. 

16. What makes me different from other people? 

Write down traits about yourself that makes you stand out.

17. Now, write down what makes you the same from other people? 

This will allow you to become humble and see a bigger picture. 

18. Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself that you love you. 

It may feel strange at first but you will keep coming back to this exercise time and time again. 

19. Write a letter to yourself 10 years from now.

Thank yourself for what you are about to accomplish and achieve. 

20. When do you feel your most sexiest?

What are you wearing? Do you have a favorite perfume? 

21. Give a compliment to each part of your body ( I mean, every part!) 

You need to appreciate your body more often, something that we can all be guilty of. 

22. Write down 3 reasons why your physical appearance may not matter. 











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